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This medal was created in 1925, in a now independent Lithuania, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Great Congress of 1905. Following the attempted Russian Revolution of 1905; a great congress of more than 2000 delegates was held in Vilnius on the 21st and 22nd of November. Chaired by Jonas Basanavičius; it passed anti-Czarist resolutions, declared autonomy for Lithuania within a Russian Republican Federation, and the primacy of Lithuanian cultural and language within the country.


FRONT: The figure of independent Lithuania is holding the flag of Vytis in her right hand; her left arm is resting on a shield bearing the patriarchal cross of Lithuania and inscribed 'L.S.S.' (Lietuvos Šaulių Sąjunga = Lithuanian National Guard). The date '1925' above, a broken chain of slavery and a lion denoting strength at her feet. 


REVERSE: The City of Vilnuis with the Hill of Gediminas in the background. It is inscribed 'DIDYSIS VILNIAUS SEIMAS' (The Great Congress of Vilnius) '1905' and an eternal flame below. The incscription reads words from the Lithuanian national anthem: 'IS PRAEITIES TAVE SUNUS TE STUORTBE SEMIA' (May your sons draw strength from the past)


The medal was designed by Petras Rimša. 

Lithuania, Medal for 20th Anniversary of the Great Congress of Vilnius (1905)

SKU: CBK0028

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